I’m feeling like the longest scream in the world personified lately and this roll really overstayed it’s welcome in my camera. Let’s get to it:

Colin and I celebrated three years together at the end of May. Although we met at a Halloween party we didn’t really get our shit together until about six months in. Everyone should be so lucky as to find their Colin. To be seen down to your core and completely adored for it is something I didn’t even know to hope for.

TLDR: My love is bigger than your love, sing it.

Really thought I could still roller skate my ass off after a two year hiatus. I could not.

I won’t stop taking this photo until barbell faces take up as much space on this blog as they do in my brain.

My little brother came to visit in April. He’s mysterious.

If you’re thinking of teaching yourself how to knit intarsia in the round first: don’t.

Drank a lot more than normal last month (read: drank at all) and ended up with a bunch of dumb shots like this one. As soon as I have two beers in me everything “contributes to the narrative”.

On the slightest of serious notes, like most people right now my anxiety is at a lifetime high. What little social ease I may have posessed pre-2020 is definitely not present nor accounted for. Every day boils down to the sagging relief that comes with locking my door at night and everything outside feels like it happens in a white knuckle haze punctuated by cracking molars and screaming at people in traffic. I just want to be nice to people again, but that feels like it would require a fundamental shift in my worldview that I don’t think this sick, imploding world is going to give me.

︎︎︎I reserve the right to come back and delete this after I’ve overthought it and am embarrassed by my melodrama.

A portion of Colin’s CD collection that doesn’t physically fit in our basement; his “offshore holdings” if you will.

Until next time <3 I’m sorry if I owe you a call, email, or text. I promise it’s keeping me up at night.Prints from this and other recent updates available here.